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A collaboration between the graduate student run ComSciCon science communication training conference program and the American Institute of Physics (AIP), ComSciCon-AIP 2019 was a 2-day conference for ~50 graduate and undergraduate students in the physical sciences, with a parallel workshop for representatives from AIP's Member Societies. As a member of the ComSciCon-AIP 2019 organizing committee I prepared outreach correspondence for both workshops, helped design the format of the 4 student panels and associated hands-on sessions, co-organized the student Write-a-thon, and assisted with running the event, including moderating the Media Engagement Panel.


If you're in the US, ComSciCon's annual flagship workshop and it's many regional franchise workshops are an incredible resource for learning to be a better science communicator! Check out their website for all the details. They are now also in Canada and France!

Conference Website: ComSciCon-AIP 2019

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